Our development studies are targeted at clients who own or intend to acquire a property to renovate or develop. Often clients will have a general idea as to what they want, but require further studies, both on the market and technical side.
When it comes to market and feasibility studies, we recommend our clients to professional partners who specialise in the relevant areas, whether hospitality (hotels and food and beverage) or residential. While they work on the market aspects, we work on the technical issues, analysing local construction codes – sometimes in conjunction with local architects – and drafting preliminary space programmes to evaluate constructible boundaries.
Once our partners have completed the market study and made a suitable project recommendation to the client, we start our spreadsheet work. We devise preliminary cost estimations including FF&E (furniture, fixtures and equipment), OS&E (operating supplies and equipment), professional fees, and associated costs and expenses. We also prepare relevant cash flow forecasts so that the client can properly evaluate the feasibility of the project, both from a market and financial standpoint.
With hospitality projects, we calculate everything related to development and construction, while our partners calculate all relevant operating budgets and profit-and-loss statements.
For projects requiring additional financing and investment, we work with our partners to create relevant investment teasers and brochures. These provide our clients with the material they need to go on roadshows or negotiate with investment partners.
Click below for typical development studies deliverables:
Investment teaser targeted at investors summarising the key elements of the project, along with key figures and project milestones.
Brochure targeted at investors, shareholders and other stakeholders summarising the key elements of the project, along with key figures and project milestones.
Cost estimation that includes all items relating to construction costs, professional fees, FF&E, OS&E, marketing and sales and related expenses. Includes cash flows showing all estimations from the development, as well as revenue forecasts from sales and operations.
Preliminary project schedule indicating key project phases and milestones, which allows each team member to properly perform their services within a given timeframe. Our schedules generally align the typical Swiss SIA phases with international best practices related to hospitality developments, including mock-up rooms and various procurement stages, as well as all client and operator sign-offs.